Sunday, August 27, 2006

PokerStars VIP Freeroll Tournaments

I've played yesterday in three PokerStars VIP Freeroll Tournaments, and did pretty well on all of them.
On the SilverStar Tournament 28903630 that had 1624 players, a total prize pool of USD 2500, USD 450 to the winer and was paying 297 places I placed 501.
On the GoldStar Tournament 28903634 that had 1075 players, a total prize pool of USD 5000, USD 975 to the winer and was paying 198 places I placed 20 and cashed USD 18.50.
On the VIP Monthly 100.000 Freeroll 28903626 that had 2528 players, a total prize pool of USD 100.000 (one hundred thousand dollars !!!), USD 18.000 to the winer and was paying 330 places I placed 114 and cashed USD 150.

I'm pretty happy with the way I played on all the tournaments, played almost flawless and stole my fair share of blinds and pots.

On the SilverStar Freeroll I was elminated on an unlucky hand, I was perhaps between place 10 and 25, with a very big stack, and was playing aggressive on a table that had a monster stack (I guess he was placing 2nd at that time). I raised to 1075 for the second time in a row this time with KK, and was the 3rd time in a row that I was raising preflop, got monster stack to call (he was playing pretty aggressive too), got a re-raiser go all in for 26454, I poped it up to 4240 (almost half of my stack), and monster stack called. Flop came QT7 rainbow, I pushed all in and monster stack that had QQ and hit top set called.

On the GoldStar Freeroll I was at some point in 9th place, and then started to get cold decked and was left placing around 15 with 20 players left. I had a stack around 48000 with Blinds at 2000/4000 with a 200 ante, picked AKs on the small blind on a pot uncalled, and raised to 28000 (I've been raising the BB for a couple of times), guy flat called, flop came A82 rainbow and I bet 12000 to keep the guy playing, guy put me all in and I called, guy showed A8 and took me out.

On the VIP monthly 100K Freeroll I was doing pretty good, I was placing 6th when we were around to make it to the money, and then got cold decked and started to go down.
I was left with a small stack (M around 5) after a coin flip with unimproved AK against QQ, and then made what I think it was a huge mistake.
Blinds were 1000 / 2000 with a 100 ante, pot was uncalled by the early players and I had A5o. I looked at all the remaining players to act, and all of them had medium stacks except for the Button that had all of them covered. So I thought to my self, if any medium stack raises with is with a monster hand because they are scared of the button so I have to fold, but if the button raises is probably to steal again the blinds so I can go all in. That is exactly what happened, all the small stacks folded and the button that had 52633 chips raised to 18000 when I only had left 7970 chips and the BB only had 15451. Then I forgot all my previous thoughts, didn't checked the pot odds I was offered and started to doubt, and after thinking for a lot of time finally folded on what I consider the huge mistake of the session. Pot was offering me around 1.5 to 1 on my money, raisor has been aggressive stealing our blinds, and I folded my Ace high hand, huge mistake. Why would a monster stack raise us all in with a premium hand? No way, he will want us to play, this bet was just to take us out of the pot. Then a couple of hands later I had KTs on middle position with M around 2, went all in being "first in vigorish" and BB after much hesitation called with A4o, he paired his 4 and I missed the flop and was eliminated.

Anyway, after a few days of playing horrible in which I left my poker bankroll with only USD 148.34 from USD 812.55 in only six days, I played almost flawless and did great, addding USD 168.50 to my poker bankroll and competing with PokerStars top players (even SuperNova !)

PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t150 (9 handed)
CO (t505)
Button (t2645)
SB (t750)
BB (t7196)
UTG (t805)
UTG+1 (t4222)
Hero (t9070)
MP2 (t6092)
MP3 (t20090)
Preflop: Hero is MP1 with Ks, Kc.
2 folds, Hero raises to t1050, 1 fold, MP3 calls t1050, 1 fold, Button raises to t2645, 2 folds, Hero raises to t4240, MP3 calls t3190.
Flop: (t11350) Td, Qc, 7h (3 players)
Hero bets t4830 (All-In), MP3 calls t4830.
Turn: (t21010) 2h (3 players, 1 all-in)
River: (t21010) 5h (3 players, 1 all-in)
Final Pot: t21010
Hero has Ks Kc (one pair, kings).
MP3 has Qd Qs (three of a kind, queens).
Button has 8d 8s (one pair, eights).
Outcome: MP3 wins t21010.

PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t4000 (7 handed)
MP2 (t21949)
CO (t82808)
Button (t77155)
Hero (t48612)
BB (t148730)
UTG (t113324)
MP1 (t107701)
Preflop: Hero is SB with Kd, Ad.
5 folds, Hero raises to t28000, BB calls t24000.
Flop: (t53200) 2s, As, 8h (2 players)
Hero bets t12000, BB raises to t24000, Hero calls t8412 (All-In)
Turn: (t97612) 7h (2 players, 1 all-in)
River: (t97612) 6s (2 players, 1 all-in)
Final Pot: t97612
Hero has Kd Ad (one pair, aces).
BB has 8c Ac (two pair, aces and eights).
Outcome: BB wins t97612.

PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t2000 (9 handed)
Button (t52633)
Hero (t10135)
BB (t17551)
UTG (t38196)
UTG+1 (t28944)
MP1 (t42370)
MP2 (t22057)
MP3 (t21915)
CO (t28504)
Preflop: Hero is SB with 5h, Ad.
6 folds, Button raises to t18100, Hero folds, BB folds.
Final Pot: t18900
No showdown. Button wins t18900.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


How many times did we said unreal at the end of the hand? At least thousands.
But what about saying unreal before the flop? Very few I guess, perhaps on a very decent hand with a couple of players all in.
But how many times did somebody thought unreal when nobody made a bet, and almost all the table was still to act? I guess none.
Well, in poker there is also a first time for everything, as this hand proves.
One problem of multitabling when one gets distracted ...

PokerStars Game #6030923797: Hold'em No Limit ($0.10/$0.25) - 2006/08/24 - 01:16:20 (ET)
Table 'Sponde' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
Seat 1: Gatzoo ($8.25 in chips)
Seat 2: Adrian20XX ($22.75 in chips)
Seat 4: RC81 ($51.50 in chips)
Seat 5: P. Deuces ($17.85 in chips)
Seat 6: OpusBC ($22.10 in chips)
Seat 7: ghose33 ($2.25 in chips)
Seat 8: umich guy ($27.15 in chips)
Seat 9: xenotropic ($14.30 in chips)
umich guy: posts small blind $0.10
xenotropic: posts big blind $0.25
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Adrian20XX [As Ac]
Gatzoo: folds
Adrian20XX: folds
RC81: folds
Adrian20XX said, "JESUS"
P. Deuces: folds
OpusBC: folds
Adrian20XX said, "I FOLDED ACES"
ghose33: calls $0.25
umich guy: folds
xenotropic: checks
*** FLOP *** [9h 2d Kc]
Adrian20XX said, "DAMN ME"
xenotropic: checks
ghose33: checks
*** TURN *** [9h 2d Kc] [2h]
xenotropic: checks
ghose33: checks
*** RIVER *** [9h 2d Kc 2h] [4s]
xenotropic: checks
ghose33: checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
xenotropic: shows [8c 5d] (a pair of Deuces)
ghose33: shows [Jh Qd] (a pair of Deuces - King+Queen kicker)
ghose33 collected $0.60 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 Rake $0
Board [9h 2d Kc 2h 4s]
Seat 1: Gatzoo folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 2: Adrian20XX folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: RC81 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: P. Deuces folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 6: OpusBC folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 7: ghose33 (button) showed [Jh Qd] and won ($0.60) with a pair of Deuces
Seat 8: umich guy (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 9: xenotropic (big blind) showed [8c 5d] and lost with a pair of Deuces